In English, people call it "corn salad" or "lamb's lettuce", but I have not heard of it in it's English namesake, nor do I remember eating it before. Here in Zagreb, people make a simple salad with it, and only it. I recently bought a huge amount of it at the local tržnica (farmer's market), and it cost me very little money. I wash it, then pour a little olive oil over it and some balsamic.
Corn Salad on WikiPedia
The olive oil is also from the market and it's what they call "domestic", "domaći" here, which just means it's homemade by the person selling it. This olive oil is far superior to what you buy at the store and is 70 kuna, or around $12.60 for one liter. Well worth it!

Anyway, matovilac is really nice. It's got a very nice flavor to it, somewhat pronounced and buttery. It really makes for a good salad all on it's own. Yummy! It's a winter green, though, so I have to eat it while I can as it will go away sometime, possibly soon.
More info on matovilac:

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