This is the blog for Matt Hollingsworth. I'm from Ojai, California. I've worked in comics for 22 years as a color artist.

This blog will largely be used to show my daily life as I live in Samobor, Croatia and as I travel around the region. Lots and lots of photos! Leave me a comment, will you?

All content on this blog is copyright 2013 Matthew Dale Hollingsworth and cannot be copied or used for any purpose without my consent.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

One of the interesting things that's happening to me, one of the effects of living in Croatia, is that my ear is being retrained. I'm immersed in a culture that does not have English as it's primary language. Sure, people speak a lot of English around me. But they all have accents. And, their basic foundation of language, of speaking and making sounds with their mouth is fundamentally different from native English speakers. And, it's very different from American speaking.

It comes out in every day speech. There are lots of little phrases that Croatians in general use in English that American's don't. I often hear, for instance "and in one moment", as in "I was walking down the street, then in one moment I realized I left my keys at home.". It's not incorrect, it's just not phrasing that an American would use. And there are lots of little ones like that. "Moisty" is another one. It's actually incorrect but it gets the idea across. I think it stems from following a pattern. They hear us saying "It's sunny outside", or "It's rainy outside". So, instead of "It's humid outside", they use "It's moisty outside".

But, really, the thing I notice a lot these days has more to do with my ear being retrained. Croatian's don't speak with a nasal sound. Americans DO. I've been watching American news more than usual now because of the election (in which I heavily favor Obama, BTW). And I notice it every day. Americans sound like they have a head cold. They sound like they're congested and speaking through their nose. I never noticed this before I lived here. But now, I've gotten used to the way they speak here, which is not at all nasal. By comparison, Americans are very nasal in the way they speak. And sometimes it actually sounds annoying.



Li'l Jen said...

"Moisty" is the cutest thing ever and I will be using that from now on!

Viooltje said...

One name might have helped you in describing just how nasal people can sound - Fran Drescher !! Love your blog, especially the 'moisty' Dublin pics. Respect!

Matt Hollingsworth said...

Or, really, anybody on NPR radio. This American Life with Ira Glass? Nasal as all fuck. ANY of the NPR reporters who are reporting from inside of America. My lord. It sounds like everybody has a sinus infection.

mcn said...

Novi post! Novi post!

Matt Hollingsworth said...

Ok. Just been working too much. And looks even worse for the next 5 weeks or so. But I'll find the time for a few new posts. I have some ideas. Just gotta write them out. Thanks Darko. I need a nudge now and then.

Mario said...

are the grendel color art digital or hand painted?
i have buy some pages from eddys mom (with help from my good friend dzuka)...if you have time:can you look at my gallery under biukovic and give me info if you have color pages from one of my artpages !