Anyway, on with the blog posts about the Thailand trip.
After the elephant center and hospital we continued on towards Chiang Mai and stopped by a natural hot spring on the way.
After that we went and had a soak in a large private room. We rented one for the boys and one for the girls that were next to each other. The girls kept throwing cold water over the wall at us, so a sort of battle erupted over that wall. Like I said before, we had a great group who were fun to hang out with, so we enjoyed ourselves.
After that we continued on to our homestay near Chiang Mai. Our homestay was in a little village and was my favorite part of the tour. There was a family there who had a sort of family complex of houses and huts and such. The boys stayed in one room and the girls in another but we only slept in those rooms. We spent all of the rest of the time hanging out, doing activities or being entertained by our hosts.
We arrived at the homestay well into the day, so we just threw our bags into our rooms and then joined our hosts for a great dinner and entertainment. Local musicians played for us as we feasted on some tasty food. The music was interesting, but as you can hear below it might not be for everyone. They played for maybe 45 minutes or something. The food, like nearly all of the food we had in Thailand, was tasty. Afterwards, they showed us their instruments and had us each play some small bit on each one.
After that, we headed outside where they entertained us more. They performed some traditional Thai dances and had us do some playful fighting with the younger boys. It was all really great and the fights were pretty funny as the little boys were giggling and playful about it. We wrapped up the activities with this candle lighting ceremony below. We all wrote our names on this paper lantern then lit the candles and watched the lantern sail away into the sky. It flew pretty high. And towards the end of the night our group hung out and some of us drank a lot of beer!
In the morning we got up very early to go make offerings to the monks at the local temple. We gave them various kinds of foods that our host packaged up for us so this was an easy process. The local people do this with the temples, supporting them so that the monks have what they need to live and on this day we took part in this process which was pretty cool.

I like how terrified you look in that second last photo, like the camera is going to steal your soul...
Great pics and narrative Matt! I enjoyed your trip. Katie and I are going to Japan this summer, I'll try to provide as entertaining a set of posts as these.
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