So, this week has thus far been mostly dealing with visa related issues in Zagreb. I started the week with my first language lesson here, at a school called APLO, right in Bana Jelačića Trg. I studied the Croatian language for about 8 months back in the States, but forgot a lot after my summer visit. So, we're starting with a review of cases and some other stuff. It helps refresh my memory, and then being HERE helps as I see the language everywhere all the time and hear it all the time.
Then, off to visit the lawyer. She had me sign a few things, I gave her some money, then she sent me across town to sign the papers to start my company, Žujo Stripovi, d.o.o.. It's a limited liability company, with the name basically being my nickname, after the beer I drink most, Ožujsko, and "stripovi", which means "comics". The "d.o.o." is like an LLC in the States. Anyway, I went across town to the notary public, here called Javni Bilježnik. Signed tons of papers to start the company. Went to my girlfriend's place and gave her headphones for Skype and got her started with the download, which took an hour. So, I had to leave to go home. Got home sort of late in the day. We tested Skype with her dial up connection and it worked pretty good. So, we may be able to use that if I have to go back to the States.
Today, Tuesday, I had to get up early again and get into town. I had to visit the police station yet again and see the visa person there. I arrived and there was a crowd of people outside her office, maybe ten or so people waiting to see her. I poked my head in and just nodded at her, but wasn't sure if she saw me. She knew I was coming in, though. I stood around outside her office for about a half hour thinking that I was doomed, that I'd have to wait hours. She had not come out once yet. She'd been with that one person the whole time. Finally, she comes out, sees me and tells me to come in with her. Woo hoo! I skipped the entire line. I leave you to draw your own conclusions. If you know the story so far, you can figure it out.
So, I was basically there to give her my paperwork that was canceling my old visa request. It was a letter my lawyer wrote that said I no longer needed that visa as I was starting a "firma" and would be applying for a business visa. She filled out stuff and I sat there and tried to talk to her about whatever nonsense. She asked how my company stuff was going and what my plans were. I told her I'd be going to Texas for the required 90 days out of the country and would leave on February 13th. She then told me that I might not have to leave at all. WHAT? This is the same lady who had told me in December that I definitely had to leave for a full 90 days even if I got a business visa before February 13th. She said it was required back then. Now she seemed to be telling me that was not the case. So, I asked her if it's true, if I might not have to leave at all. She told me that she'd try to help me out so that I would not have to leave.
Fucking A!
So, from there, I went to my lawyer and gave her the required money for the bank account for the firm and rest of her payment as well. Filled out bank cards and such. I told her what the visa lady had said and she said that we basically need to get my business visa application in on Thursday, the 18th.
Tonight, I have to visit my landlord to review our housing contract which needs to be amended to have the firm included. Hopefully it's good, and then tomorrow afternoon I will have to go to the Javni Bilježnik with her to sign this and have it documented.
As it turns out, my lawyer couldn't open the bank account for me. So, I have to go with them in the morning Wednesday (tomorrow), open a personal non resident bank account with the money, then open the account for the firm and transfer the money over to that account from my personal account. Then, she will be going to court tomorrow with all of this data and paperwork to start the firm officially with the government. Then, assuming all goes as planned, I will stop by her office Thursday, then go back to the police station and put my business visa application in. It should take around 2 weeks to hear back on that visa. At that point I should know whether or not I have to leave the country.
So, the adventure continues.
Looks like I need to work this weekend as this is all putting me a bit behind.

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