Here's the latest on my wacky life of travel and adventure.
As it stands now, I will be leaving Croatia on February 13th. If I miraculously line up paperwork to stay for a longer time, then I won't leave at all. But it's my assumption that even if I do line up my paperwork, that it won't happen before that date, which is the time I have to leave. With a tourist visa, I can only stay in the country for 90 days in a six month period. So, I'll have to leave, possibly for 3 months, then return later. I will keep my apartment here and plan on returning, definitely. I am moving forward on 3 different strategies to stay in the country for an extended one year permit that is renewable for another year. But I am prepared for very slow bureaucracy, and with X-Mas here right now, I know nothing will move forward until January. So, I contacted some friends to see what my options were in the States.
I do not want to return to LA. But I have some very close friends in Portland and Texas. A few friends stepped up and offered me a place to stay, so thanks to them all. But, ultimately, I chose the San Antonio, Texas option. A very close friend lives there. For those who know her, it's Eva Moon. We were roomies before, we get along and my cats like her dogs. And she has a huge house with an available room for me. So, I will get to catch up with her and her Corgis, check out the local area which I am totally unfamiliar with and have a bit more traveling fun. I'll be totally sad if I have to leave Croatia, but this will make it much easier to deal with the sadness. She's a very good friend and I already know what it's like to live with her.
So, yay!
I still aim to try to stay here, but if not, then I already have a soft landing lined up.
Don't mess with Texas.

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