The show is called the Birmingham International Comics Show, and can be found at this link:
Birmingham Show
We had great fun at the show and I consider the show a total success. Our pal Ben McCool was kind enough to show us around a bit, taking us to a variety of places to drink and eat. Andy Baker picked us up at the airport. James made sure we were taken care of. Overall, everyone did a great job and it was a lot of fun. During the show itself, we mostly sat there and signed autographs. Esad did sketches for people. I did a Photoshop demo showing my workflow for coloring comics which was about 90 minutes long. It was well received and a lot of fun. The space the show was at was nice, the guys did a great job, we ate and drank well. So, naturally, we will be returning next year to attend the show. Perhaps you'll come join us.
For everyone we hung out with; Andy Baker, Ben McCool, James Hodgkins, Michael Lark, Sean Phillips, Phil Winslade, Staz Johnson, Mike Collins, Giulia Brusco, Gary Leach, Dave Gibbons, Will, Declan Shalvey, Michael Wright and Sandy, Jen, Josef, Steve Fullerton and all the others, thanks for sharing some fun, drink and food with us.
The center pond area near the show.
The center pond area near the show.
Inside the room we did our signings in.
Esad Ribić and Michael Lark doing sketches and signing.
That would be me.
Esad Ribić with a wicked Michael Lark in the background..
Michael Wright.
Giulia Brusco and Michael Wright.
Andy Baker and Garry Leach.
Dave Gibbons.
John McCrea.
Michael Lark.
Andy Baker and James Hodgkins.
Jen and Giulia with Declan Shalvey in the background.
Phil Winslade.
Steve Fullerton.
Esad Ribić.
Esad Ribić.
The gang.
The pub. Angry man pouring beers from the vast amount of cask ale. Nice!
Michael Wright and Esad Ribić.
Esad Ribić at the largest shopping mall in Europe.
Esad Ribić.
Declan Shalvey.
Poverty stricken Irish Slaves, Declan Shalvey and Will Sliney.
Josef and Michael.

1 comment:
hey dude
i've just watched a documentary movie about esad ribic, you were in it too...
crazy dudes :D
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